Booklife, SULA and a new Audio book format!

As from January 2023 the novel Master Builders has been listed on the Booklife Report site! The relevant URL is as follows:

A PW Select subscription is in force. This means that Wilbur receives a 6-month subscription to the Digital Edition replica of the weekly Print Edition as well as Subscriber-Only Online Access to Publishers Weekly. The book will feature in the PW Select print supplement issue in February. It will appear for the next 30 days on It will also be announced via social media to BookLife's Facebook and Twitter audiences.

The Austin Macauley publishers have an agreement with the South African (SA) distributors, Sula. Sula is the sole distributor of Austin Macauley’s books in Southern Africa. The prime thrust for SA audiences as regards the novel's format is electronic in nature, however potential customers wishing to have soft or hard cover copies are urged to visit their nearest bookstore as from 1st February 2023.  Customers should provide the ISBN, title and author to the store manager and ask them to order the book through Booksite Afrika (the Sula warehouse) on their behalf.

The ISBN detail for the Master Builders novel by Wilbur Schmarr is as follows:

 ISBN 9781398479791 (Paperback)

ISBN 9781398479807 (Hardback)

ISBN 9781398479821 (ePub e-book)

ISBN 9781398479814 (Audio book)

The latest news from the Austin Macauley publishers is that an Audio book format is in process! A narrator has been identified. Once the Audio book is available, another announcement will be made!

All readers are wished a great day. It is hoped that readers will find the novel to be entertaining and thought-provoking. Wilbur is looking forward to receiving constructive comments, all reader submissions will receive an answer. Here are some relevant URLs:

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